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и още...I can say that there will be an initial launch of six gamebooks (in print and digital form) next spring. These will be reissues of our old books, except for one all-new title by Jamie. I can't say which 5 books will be accompanying that one, but if this venture is successful you can expect to see *all* our old gamebooks in print within a couple of years, plus new titles. But I'm being careful to make no promises until we see how these first six go!
малко инфо и около завършването на "Fablled Lands"I hope that *all* of our other gamebooks will come back into print (as well as digital form) as part of our new venture with a publisher whose name I will divulge very soon. So that's about 35 titles right there. Add to that at least a half-dozen all-new standalone gamebooks that Jamie and I will be writing if the venture proves a success, starting with that one I called Undeadwood (not the real title!) which is due next spring.
Аз задължително ще си купя всичко което издадат на хартия. Освен това, Tinman Games взеха лиценза за Fighting Fantasy, Michael J Word вече е подписал и за издаване на третата книга от Destiny Quest (още преди да е издал втората), а Дейв Морис наскоро пусна книга-игра за Франкенщайн. Ако им тръгнат продажбите, нещата ще се развият още повече.The reprints aren't the only factor determining whether we can complete the series. The sales of the digital versions from Spirit Entrrtainment will also be important. Overall, as long as each book can be shown to be profitable across all platforms, we can raise the money to do Books 7-12. We won't know that until the Spirit editions go on sale in a few months - announcement soon.
If we do them, to speed the process up, Jamie and I are thinking of hiring a small team of gamebook authors. These are all well-known, experienced guys with plenty of knowledge of the FL world. That way, if the rest of the series does go ahead, it won't take years to complete.
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За сега мога да ви кажа, че първоначално ще пуснем шест книги-игри (в книжен и дигитален формат) следващата пролет. 5 от тях ще са нови издания на старите и 1 ще е чисто нова книга-игра написана от Джейми. Не мога да ви кажа кои ще бъдат 5-те преиздадени книги, но ако това начинание се окаже успешно, може да очаквате отпечатани на хартия всички наши книги-игри в следващите няколко години, както и чисто нови заглавия. Но все още не искам да обещавам нищо на 100%, преди да видим как ще се представят първите шест.
Надявам се че всичките ни книги-игри ще бъдат преиздадени отново на хартия (както и в дигитален формат), което е част от договорките ни с един издадел, чието име ще съобщя скоро. Това прави около 35 заглавия. Прибавете към тази цифра и половин дузина чисто нови самостоятелни книги-игри, които Джейми и аз ще напишем ако преиздадените книги имат успех, като първата ще е проект с име "Гората на немъртвите", който ще пуснем пролетта.
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I'm right in the throes of getting these four gamebooks ready for release next spring, so I'm afraid you'll have to excuse me for keeping this one short.
The first thing I ought to say is that these aren't actually the covers they're going to have when they go on sale. I just knocked these up to have handy copies to write in. It beats feeding reams of paper into the laser printer. Instead, I just have to fiddle around on Lulu for a half hour and lo, it's all sorted and some spanking new paperbacks arrive a few days later. The cover design process is quite therapeutic, too, after hours of flowcharting and proofreading.
The eagle-eyed will notice Twist of Fate has a new title. I never liked the original and this one explains what it's about. Mind you, I have yet to find out what our new publishers think. It could be The Thief of Bagshot by the time it comes out.
Ah yes. Our new publishers... Because this is not a Spark Furnace venture, but rather a partnership with a leading international publisher. If you're any sort of a gaming or fantasy nerd, you'll have heard of them - and, if you're like me, you'll have been collecting their books since you were a kid. I'll let you know who it is (assuming you haven't guessed) as soon as the ink is dry on the deal.
As well as these four books, we'll have an all-new gamebook by Jamie that I'm still going to refer to by the irritatingly tantalizing title of Undeadwood just so I'll have something to post about when we're ready to announce what it's really called. And for the sixth book - well, I'm still hoping it'll be the first in the Way of the Tiger series, and the news as of today is that it probably will be. Maybe even two Way of the Tiger books to kick off and we hold back Undeadwood till the autumn. What would your vote be on that?
The other two VR books would take a little bit of work to fix. (Discreet cough.) So we're leaving them till later.
Our publisher partners aren't keen on most of the titles, actually, but I'm trying to resist changing Heart of Ice or Necklace of Skulls. Twist of Fate, though - does that say Arabian Nights to you? Thief of Baghdad was my original choice - but you might not play a thief.
We have had a brilliant and very detailed proposal by author David Walters for WOTT book 7 that finally gets our hero out of that web - and in a very satisfying way. If the new series is successful, look for that around autumn 2014.
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Тия от храма на Времето са абсолютната сила. Не знам колко ще е удачно да се играе с такъв персонаж, тъй като е прекалено силен.
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104 евра!!! Тия са спали на течение.
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